At-Home Teeth Whitening in Clifton, NJ

At-home teeth whitening is a convenient and effective way to brighten your smile from the comfort of your own home. This treatment involves the use of custom-made whitening trays and a professional-grade whitening gel, both provided by Dr. Dena Constandelis at Constandelis Dental. The trays are designed to fit perfectly over your teeth, ensuring the gel covers every part of your tooth surface. This method of teeth whitening can remove stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco, and can significantly lighten the shade of your teeth.

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At-Home Teeth Whitening In Clifton | Constadelis Dental

Why Should I Choose At-Home Teeth Whitening?

At-home teeth whitening is a fantastic option for those who want to enhance their smile but have a busy schedule. Unlike in-office treatments, you can whiten your teeth at your own pace, in your own time. This flexibility allows you to incorporate teeth whitening into your daily routine without disrupting your commitments. Plus, the treatment is overseen by Dr. Constandelis, ensuring it's safe and effective. You'll receive professional results without having to step foot in the dental office.

At-Home Teeth Whitening In Clifton | Constadelis Dental

Did you know…

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Professional teeth whitening doesn't damage your teeth, it just removes stains and discoloration!

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A smile is worth 1,000 words.

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The Benefits Of At-Home Teeth Whitening


One of the main advantages of at-home teeth whitening is its convenience. You can carry out the treatment at any time that suits you, whether it's early in the morning, late at night, or during your lunch break. You don't need to worry about fitting appointments into your busy schedule. You can even whiten your teeth while doing other tasks around the house!

Customized Treatment

At-home teeth whitening can be tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Constandelis will create custom-made trays that fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring even coverage of the whitening gel. This personalized approach means you get consistent results across all your teeth, unlike store-bought kits which can lead to patchy whitening.

Professional Supervision

Even though you're carrying out the treatment at-home, you're not alone. Dr. Constandelis oversees the whole process, providing you with the right concentration of whitening gel and ensuring your custom trays fit correctly. She's always available to answer any questions or concerns, providing a level of care and expertise that over-the-counter products can't match.

The At-Home Teeth Whitening Treatment Process

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Dental Impressions

The first step in the at-home teeth whitening process is taking an impression of your teeth. This is done at Constandelis Dental and is a quick and painless procedure. These impressions are used to create your custom whitening trays.

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Tray Fitting

Once your trays are ready, you'll return to the practice for a fitting. Dr. Constandelis will ensure the trays fit properly and are comfortable. She'll also provide you with the whitening gel and instructions on how to use it at-home.

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At-Home Whitening

Now, the whitening begins! You'll apply the whitening gel to the trays and wear them for a specified amount of time each day. The duration and frequency of use will depend on your specific needs and the level of whitening desired. You'll start to see results within a few days, with full results typically visible after a couple of weeks.

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